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South Coast Harbours 1698
report by Edmund Dummer and Thomas Wiltshaw

Fowey, Cornwall: 'port'; at the bottom of the estuary of the River Fowey, running into the English Channel.
SX1251; sheet 200
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Its Description
Is the next place in Order Westward to Plymouth as that is to Dartmouth which wee leave to the improvements already made and may be Augmented if the Service require it. (And Observe that)
What is proper
for but not
adviseable to be
improved for the
This is Scituate in the Bottom of a deep bay about 3 Leagues within the Dead-man it has a bold entrance Water enough within, but not much above half the space or extent of the River of Dartmouth 'tis surrounded with very lofty Hills as yt. is, And wee esteem it to serve upon great necessityes to Shelter small Shipps if they lye fair for it, to avoid more Eminent Dangers when they find themselves to much Embayed, By the Ramhead and Dead-man, But not adviseable in our Opinion to be chosen for any Services of the Navy.

museum inventory notes and transcription of the chart
summary relating to this harbour

South Coast Harbours 1698 logo, button to main menu
South Coast Harbours 1698
report by Edmund Dummer and Thomas Wiltshaw

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