General Map

Kitchin's Hampshire 1767

Hampshire The road book has a general map of England and Wales.
(item HMCMS:FA1999.138.0)
A General MAP of the / Direct & Principal Cross / ROADS, / in ENGLAND and WALES; / extended to Edinburgh in / SCOTLAND.
from which this is the Hampshire portion. The map is an index map; the numbers against road segments refer to plates in the road book.

At the foot of the map is a rudimentary table of symbols, at least some explanation:-
Direct Roads are described thus //
Cross Roads thus /
The figures on the Roads in this Map refer to the Pages where they may be found.
When using this index map do note that the page reference is to the start of the route, you may have to turn a page or two to find your place.

The map has no scale line. Measuring a few place-to-place distances on the map it is possible to get an estimate of its scale, about:-
1 to 3500000
55 miles to 1 inch
Southern England, from whole map of England and Wales

Kitchin's Hampshire 1767, contents
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped