
Speed's Hampshire 1611

click for feature map
Hundreds Hundred boundaries are shown by a fine dotted line; the hundred areas labelled with names in block caps, eg:- ALTON HUNDRED.
The relationship between modern and old hundreds is very inexact; modern hundreds have little use today.

Hundreds old name

Alton Hundred
Andover Hundred
Andover without Hundred
Barmanspit Hundred
Barton Stacye Hundred
Basingstocke Hundred
Bosmere Hundred
Budlesgate Hundred
Christchurch Hundred
Chuteley Hundred
Crundall Hundred
Eastmeane Hundred
Evinger Hundred
Fawley Hundred
Finchdeane Hundred
Fordi~cbridge Hundred
Hambledon Hundred
Holdshot Hundred
Horwell Hundred
kings Sombourne Hundred
Kingscler Hundred
Mansbridg Hundred
Meanestoke Hundred
Micheldevor Hundred
Newforrest Hundred
Odiam Hundred
Overton Hundred
Pastrae Hundred
Portesdowne Hundred
Redbridge Hundred
Rinwood Hundred
Selburn Hundred
Sutton Hundred
Thornegate Hundred
Titchfeild Hundred
Waltham Hundred

Notes about hundreds.

:: VCH Hampshire

Speed's Hampshire 1611, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:KD1996.16