Ball's Bridge
Staverton and Trowbridge, Wiltshire KAC63.49

KandAC mile 63
The track over Ball's Bridge; eventually this track joins up with School Lane, Staverton about half a mile away - or it did once.
The bridge is an accommodation bridge taking a track which squeezes between parts of Airsprung's factory to the fields north of the canal.
The bridge is stone built; 63 miles 49 chains from Reading.
If you need it there is Walden's drive in food centre about quarter of a mile south.
headroom 12ft10ins
depth of water 4ft5ins
Ball's Bridge from westwards; an elegant and mostly unspoilt arch of ashlar stonework in Bath stone.
Ball's Bridge from westwards.
Ball's Bridge from eastward; hiding in the bushes.
The bridge is near the town. Besides mason's marks it has many graffiti under the arch. Remember; old scratchings are interesting graffiti, modern scratchings are vandalism. ? .
Scratchings on the stone under Ball's Bridge.
Mason's marks on the parapet.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000