Brimslade Lock
Savernake, Wiltshire KAC38.14

KandAC mile 38
Brimslade Lock, from the eastwards, Brimslade Bridge and Brimslade Farm in the background.
The lock is 38 miles 14 chains from Reading.
fall 7ft11ins
depth of water, full 6ft1ins
depth of water, empty 6ft2ins
length 74ft8ins
width 14ft0ins
Brimslade Farm is on the north bank of the canal.
Water squirting through cracks round the top gates; the cill is effectively the end point of the upper pound, the depth of water over the cill usually a little less than in the pound itself.
Jean sitting on the balance beam; these gate beams make handy seats all along the canal; notice the lock number plate and instructions.
Locks on the Kennet and Avon Canal are numbered from the west end, not from Reading like everything else.
The instructions:-
This Lock can / be left Full
are necessary on this canal whose rules change from one part of the canal to another.
iron drag for fishing things out of the canal, lying on the stop plank frame by Brimslade Lock.
iron drag tines.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000