Crofton Bottom Lock
Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire KAC33.66

KandAC mile 33
The lock is miles chains from Reading.
Lock 63 is Crofton Top Lock; the paddles are shut but water is overflowing into the ground paddle tunnel and trying to fill the chamber.
rise 7ft0ins
depth of water, full 5ft7ins
depth of water, empty 5ft6ins
length 74ft8ins
width 14ft3ins
Water swirling out of the lock chamber.
Water swirling out of the lock chamber.
A boat approaching Crofton Top Lock from the west; the pretty effect on the canal surface is rain.
Lock filled, gates open, boat entering the lock chamber; still raining a bit.
Gates closing; rain eased off.
Gate paddles on the bottom gate lifted.
Water escaping the lock chamber.
Holding up the pawl and winding down the paddle on the bottom gate; raining a little again.
The boat going off eastwards from lock 63; rain clearing up.
... of course it never rains on the canal ...
Same day, later on:-
A pair of boats locking up through lock 63.
A pair of boats leaving lock 63, towing.
A pair of boats leaving lock 63, towing.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000