Parson's Bridge
Staverton, Wiltshire KAC63.13 (?)

KandAC mile 63
This is what bridges are for; gazing and chatting over while walking the dog.
Parson's Bridge carries the towpath on the north side of the canal over the entrance to Hilperton Marina. The bridge was originally further west, across the canal, and was removed to this site as part of the development of marina and housing; a new bridge carries the access road to the new site.
The bridge is built in ashlar stonework in Bath stone, repaired with brickwork, and finely restored; 63 miles 13 chains from Reading.
headroom (originally) 12ft8iins
Parson's Bridge, now a towpath bridge.
Parson's Bridge, north face.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000