Whaddon Bridge
Hilperton, Wiltshire KAC61.66

KandAC mile 61
Whaddon Bridge, a replacement bridge of stone piers, iron girders, and brickwork; boat Caprice just passed through.
The bridge carries Whaddon Lane from Hilperton to the south, over the canal to Whaddon to the north.
The bridge is a replacement bridge, iron girders on stone faced piers, and brickwork parapets; 61 miles 66 chains from Reading.
headroom 13ft3ins
depth of water 4ft1ins
Whaddon Bridge from eastward; a water main accompanies the road across the canal.
There is an air valve on the water main; it seems to take an inordinate amount of cellarage and brickwork for this simple function - what else goes on?
Rope marks on the stonework
Graffiti under the arch; only 1989 does that make it vandalism?

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000