Wilcot Bridge
Wilcot, Wiltshire KAC43.05

KandAC mile 43
Wilcot Bridge carries the road through the village of Wilcot, from Pewsey in the south to the Devizes-Pewsey road to the north, across the canal.
The bridge is brick built with a stone parapet; 43 miles 5 chains from Reading.
headroom 10ft10ins
depth of water 6ft1ins
Wilcot Bridge, from the east.
Wilcot Bridge, west face. The cottage on the off side has built steps down a 'patio' using the stone work of the bridge footings.
Wilcot clusters its thatches round a triangular green. There's a pub, with food, the Golden Swan, half a mile to the south.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000