Wootton Rivers Lock
, Wiltshire KAC38.75

KandAC mile 38
Wootton Rivers Lock, lower gates, new walkways for swinging the gates, neatly painted coping stones.
The lock is 38 miles 75 chains from Reading.
fall 8ft0ins
depth of water, full 5ft10ins
depth of water, empty 6ft1ins
length 74ft3ins
width 14ft1ins
Wootton Rivers lock, top gates, cill, etc.
Scoops for clearing rubbish out of the canal, on a rack in the hedge round the lockkeeper's house.
Lock and bridge and lock house.
The lockkeeper's house at Wootton Rivers.
Gates from the road to the lockside towpath at Wootton Rivers.

Kennet and Avon Scrapbook 2000