St Mary's Abbey, Winchester

religious house, abbey


refce: JandMN

The place is described in text Cox 1738
- Winchester parish: - Hampshire
refce: Cox 1738
Here was also in this City [Winchester] a Nunnery dedicated to St. Mary and St. Edburge, which begun to be built by Queen Alfwitha, Wife of King Alfred, about Anno 903, and was compleated by her Son, King Edward the Elder. The Nuns were of the Order of St. Benedict, and endowed with a Revenue, valued at the Dissolution, at 179 l. 7 s. 2 d. per Annum.

- Winchester parish: - Hampshire
refce: Dugdale 1718
ALkswida, Wife to King Alfred, built this Monastery which neither she nor the King liv'd to finish; but it was perfected by their Son Edward.

- Winchester parish: - Hampshire
refce: Dugdale 1718
... Religious Houses ... deliver'd to King Henry VIII. in the 26th Year of his Reign, with the yearly Value ...
value l. s. d. q.
Winton Nuns Bened. 179 7 2 0

St. Mary Abbay
The place is described in text Leland 1535-43

refce: Leland 1535-43
[St. Mary Abbay] a litle by est withyn [the west gate], welle waterid with an arme of Alsford Ryver that rennith thorough it, and after to Wolvesey the bisshop's palace.
Minns says:- St. Mary's Abbey, or the Nunna-Mynstre, of which not a vestige remains, occupied nearly the whole of the land now surrounded by Hyde and Colebrook Streets. It was founded by Alfred the Great and his wife, Eanswitha, who passed her widowhood within its walls.

St Mary's Abbey
otherwise: Nunnaminster

refce: VCH Hants (vol 2 pp122-126)
founded by Alfred and Queen Eahlswith, late 9th century

   Old Hampshire Gazetteer - JandMN: 2001