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South Coast Harbours 1698
report by Edmund Dummer and Thomas Wiltshaw

Beaulieu, Hampshire: [Beauley] 'river'; mouth of the Beaulieu River at Lepe, running into The Solent.
SZ4398; sheet 196
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What its
Condition is
Is a River of somewhat less Consideration in Degree than Bussleton, But of large indraught, good Tydes, and fair Depths at low Water; 'tis about 4 Miles from the Mouth of it to the Town of that name, Tis also convenient for Building small Schipps One of the 4th: Rate hath been built about a Mile below it, at a place Comodious and Safe.

museum inventory notes and transcription of the chart
button for chart features chart features and comparison with Collins chart of 1693
summary relating to this harbour
See also the Southampton pages which relate to this harbour.

South Coast Harbours 1698 logo, button to main menu
South Coast Harbours 1698
report by Edmund Dummer and Thomas Wiltshaw

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