
Blaeu's Hampshire 1645

Beacon hills Blaeu's map of Hampshire, 1645-1700s, does not show many beacons, compared to Norden's map of 1595-1607. Norden's map was drafted not long after the Armada, and beacons were an important element in the defence of the country. Blaeu's map is a forty years later and beacons are, perhaps, not so important.

Four beacons are indicated on Blaeu's map, these are marked on the feature map of hills. In the list below the grid references are approximate.

At Bushy the settlement symbol on the hill, copied from John Speed, is perhaps the beacon here. The settlement names are all otherwise accounted for by symbols.
At Popham the beacon is shown by three posts on the hill, which suggests, as on other maps, that this beacon was a triple beacon.
Selborne Beacon is shown by a large post or tower. (A similar mark is used for Merden Beacon in Sussex.)
Toothill Beacon has no symbol; but is clearly labelled.

beacons BEWARE: to get back to this list after clicking on an item, use the back button.
'modern' name (parish; ngr) and old name (hundred) if given
Bushy Beacon (?) (Fareham parish; SU513085)
Popham Beacons (Steventon parish; SU529440) = Patow Beacons (Michel Devor Hundred)
Selthorne Beacon? (Brockenhurst parish; SZ273999) = Selborne Beacon (Newforrest Hundred)
Toothill Beacon? (Nursling and Rownhams parish; SU382187) = Toothill Beacon (Mansbridg Hundred)
White, H T: 1931: Beacon System in Hampshire, The: ProcHFC: 10: pp252-278

White, H T: 1947: Beacon System in Hampshire, The: ProcHFC: 16: pp19-22

Blaeu's Hampshire 1645, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:FA1998.149