Trees, Woods, Forests

Blaeu's Hampshire 1645

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Trees Woods and forests, on Blaeu's map of Hampshire, are shown by little trees. These are grouped, drawn with bushes and shaded ground areas, to make small landscapes. There are also trees in parks. The old forests on Blaeu's map are listed below.

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'modern' name (parish; ngr) and old name (hundred) if given
Buckholt Forest = Buckholt Forrest (Thornegate Hundred)
Chute Forest = Chure Forrest (Andover Without Hundred)
East Bere Forest? = Beare Forest (Portesdowne Hundred)
New Forest = Newe Forrest (Rinwood Hundred)
West Bere Forest = West Forrest (Budlesgate Hundred)
Coleburn, Phil; Court, Nicky; Howe, Johnathon: 1995 (2nd edn): Ancient Woodland: Hampshire County Council (Planning Dept):: ISBN 01 85975 046 X

Blaeu's Hampshire 1645, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:FA1998.149