Richard Blome

Richard Blome has been described as a publisher and compiler, and a
map and book seller, etc. He was made free of the Stationer's
Company, London, in 1660, and was in business to his death,
1705. In 1672-73 his address was:-
Lodging at Mr Kid's an Oyl-shop at the Corner of
Licoln's-Inn-Fields, near the New Market
at the corner of Lincoln's-Inn-Fields in Sheffield Street near
Clare Market
Advertising in July 1672 for his forthcoming Description of
His Majesties Dominions he asks that all who have subscriptions not
yet turned in, should present:-
... true Directions for graving their Names, Titles, Seats, and
paternal Coats of Arms, to such maps as they are related, and by
them made choice of, together with their first payments ...
which is repeated March 1672/73.
His topographical works include:-
- 1670 - Geographical description of the four parts of the World
- 1672 - Description of the Island of Jamaica
- 1673 - Britannia: or a Geographical Description of the Kingdom
of England, Scotland and Ireland
- 1681, 11685 - Speed's Maps Epitomised; and the maps used in
Thomas Taylor's England Eactly described, 1715
- 1682, 1693 - Cosmography and Geography
- 1686 - View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea and the
East Indies
- 1687 - Present State of his Majesties Isles and Territories
in America
- - plans of wards and parishes in London
Much of his work is pirated, and judged by some to be of poor
quality. He was nevertheless adroit at raising subscriptions.
Bishop Nicolson described his Britannia, in which the 1673 map
was published, as
A most entire piece of theft out of Camden and Speed
Richard Gough said it was a
most notorious piece of plagiarism.
Other contemporary comments are equally critical:-
... a published and compiler of some celebrity, who, by the aid
of subscriptions adroitly levied, issued many splendid
scribbled and transcribed from Camden's Britannia and Speed's
Maps ... gets a livelihood by bold practices ... progging tricks
in employing necessitous persons to write ...'
References |
Blome, Richard: 1677: Britannia & Geographical Description of
the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland ...: Wright,
John (London)
Clapp, Sarah L: 1932=1933: Subscription Enterprises of John Ogilby
and Richard Blome: Modern Philology (Chicago, United States):
vol.30: pp.365-379
Kennedy, C: 1958: Gentleman's Recreation, by Richard Blome:
Taylor, E G R: 1937: Robert Hooke and the Cartographical Projects
of the Late Seventeenth Century, 1666-1696: Geographical
Journal: vol.90: pp.529-40
Tyacke, Sarah: 1978: London map Sellers 1660-1720: Map
Collector Publications (Tring, Hertfordshire)::
ISBN 0 906430 00 3