
Drayton's Hampshire 1613

If you look closely at Drayton's map of Hampshire you can see evidence of the way the engraver worked. In some places you can see ghostly lines which were the preparatory marks made on the plate when laying out the features. These were guide lines which were to be followed by the real engraving; in some places another feature took precedence, or the final shape of the feature was engraved differently:-
Within the stock and beside the bowstring of the crossbow held by the New Forest dryad you can see the planned lines for the stream that they overlie.
Under the 'W' of the label for the dryad of Waltham Forest you can see similar planning marks for course of the head of the Hamble.
On the south side of the tributary, ?Bartley Water, off the Test at the head of Southampton Water, you can see the final engraving is different from the planned line.

Drayton's Hampshire 1613, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:KD1996.23