| settlement symbols
Harrison's Hampshire 1788
The marking of settlements on Harrison's map of Hampshire
attempts to represent buildings; he uses blocks in groups.
An attempt has been made to grade sizes of settlement by the
size of the group and by the type of text used for the name.
The simplest settlement is a 2x1 block. An L shape block
taken to be a picture of a church, or several blocks placed
alongside a road, perhap indicate a larger settlement.
Groups of blocks on roads, perhaps coloured red, with
upright lettering possibly indicate bigger places.
The biggest towns are named in block caps. Portsmouth
and Southampton have a jagged town wall, portraying
formal fortifications.
John Harrison did not include a table of symbols on his map.
The following is our best attempt at understanding what
he intended:-

city or large town, blocks by roads; text
upright, block caps.
town; blocks on road; text upright, lower case;
market days are given for market towns.
village; blocks on road; text italic, lower case.
village; L block, ie a church? text italic,
lower case.

hamlet; or house or just a farm, or other
small settlement, simple block; text italic, lower case.
| Notes
about symbols. |