Trees, Woods, Forests

Harrison's Hampshire 1788

click for feature map
Trees Trees, on Harrison's map of Hampshire, are shown by a circle with a trunk. Many of the trees appear to be no more than decoration - but as this symbol probably has a low priority the distribution cannot be taken to be very reliable or significant. The trees sometimes seem to be grouped into woods or forests; in many cases these groupings can be identified with the royal forests of a previous age. Forests on Harrison's map are listed below.

We have not tried to match all the groups of trees to present day woods.

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'modern' name (parish; ngr) = old name (hundred) if given
Bolderwood Lodge Inclosure (Minstead parish; SU2_0_) = Bolderwood Lodge (New Forest Hundred)
Buckholt Forest
Burley Lodge Inclosure (Burley parish; SU2_0_) = Burley L. (New Forest Hundred)
Chute Forest = Chute Forest (Pastrow Hundred)
East Bere Forest? = Forest of East Bere (Portsdown Hundred)
New Forest = New Forest (New Forest Hundred)
Pamber Forest (Pamber parish; SU6161)
Parkhill Inclosure (Denny Lodge parish; SU3105)
Rhinefield Sandy's Inclosure (Brockenhurst parish; SU2504)
Coleburn, Phil; Court, Nicky; Howe, Johnathon: 1995 (2nd edn): Ancient Woodland: Hampshire County Council (Planning Dept):: ISBN 01 85975 046 X

Harrison's Hampshire 1788, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:FA1996.22