| Antiquities
Morden's Hampshire 1695
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Morden's map of Hampshire does not show ancient earthworks.
There is an indirect referrence in labelling
Barrow Beacons on the hills near Popham.
Roman place names
The map does give some roman place names; listed below.
The term olim, sometimes shortened to ol, is
Latin for formerly, or once upon a time.
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'modern' name (parish; ngr) = old name (hundred) if given
= Brougton ol Bridge or Brage (Thorngate Hundred)
Broughton is not an accepted identification for 'Brige'.
Clausentum (Southampton parish; )
= Clausentum (Waltham Hundred)
Ringwood (Ringwood parish; SU149054)
= Ringwoode ol Regnum
Silchester (Silchester parish; SU6261)
= Silchester Ol Vindonum
This is mistaken labelling; Vindonis is more likely Neatham,
Alton; the error is copied from map to map at this period.
Silchester is also labelled Caer Scoontie.
Winchester (Winchester parish; SU478293)
= Venta Belagrum