Trees, Woods, Forests

Norden's Hampshire 1595

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Trees Woods and forests, on John Norden's map of Hampshire, are shown by little trees. Some of the old forests are labelled; all that have been recognised are listed below. There are also trees in parks.

The placement of the forest name labels demonstrates the difficulties of that map making task. If you didn't know that there is a West Bere Forest you might never have associated the detached letters scattered between 'sparshott', 'wecke', 'pitt' and hillock and tree symbols:-

A later copyist manages to detach the 'Beare' to change 'Weeke' village into 'Beareweeke', leaving a 'West Forest'.

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'modern' name (parish; ngr) and old name (hundred) if given
Buck Holt Forreste (Thornegate Hundred) = Buckholt Forest
Buckholt Forest = Buck Holt Forreste (Thornegate Hundred)
Chure forrest (Andover extra Hundred) = Chute Forest
Chute Forest = Chure forrest (Andover extra Hundred)
East Bere Forest? = Forest East of Bere (Portesdowne Hundred)
Forest East of Bere (Portesdowne Hundred) = East Bere Forest?
Linwood Coppice (Bramshaw parish; SU2414) = lynwood (Newforest Hundred)
lynwood (Newforest Hundred) = Linwood Coppice (Bramshaw parish; SU2414)
Lomer Ash (Exton parish) = lomerash (Fawley Hundred)
lomerash (Fawley Hundred) = Lomer Ash (Exton parish)
Pamber Forest (Pamber parish; SU6161)
Stansted Forest
West Bere Forest = weste beare forrest (Budlesgate Hundred)
weste beare forrest (Budlesgate Hundred) = West Bere Forest
Woolmer Forest = wutmer forrest (Alton Hundred)
wutmer forrest (Alton Hundred) = Woolmer Forest
Coleburn, Phil; Court, Nicky; Howe, Johnathon: 1995 (2nd edn): Ancient Woodland: Hampshire County Council (Planning Dept):: ISBN 01 85975 046 X

Norden's Hampshire 1595, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:FA1999.58