Map features
Speed's Hampshire 1611 |
Map feature |
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border; picture frame border.
The border of the map is given the appearance of a carved wood
picture frame. |
title cartouche; strapwork cartouche, makers name,
engraver's name. |
coat of arms; royal arms and a heraldic border. |
orientation; labelled borders. |
scale line; chequered scale line in a cartouche. |
coast shaded; sea moire effect, coast shaded with
horizontal lines. |
rivers; wiggly lines tapering from their mouth at the coast;
none are named. |
bridges; some bridges are drawn. |
relief; groups of hillocks. |
beacons; a post on a hill. |
woods, forests; drawings of trees. |
parks; ring of paling fence. |
county boundary; fine dotted line, adjacent counties labelled. |
hundred boundaries; fine dotted line, areas labelled. |
settlements; dot and circle, plus buildings to grade size,
which is also indicated by labelling style. |
market towns; dot and circle, buildings
and tower, upright lowercase lettering. |
coastal defence, castles; dot and circle, tower
and buildings. |
town plan:
the map has an inset town plan of Winchester. |
swash lettering, decoration, antiquities, windmills,
watermills, vignette, ... |