HAnt-shire by the Saxons written Handescyr, lying upon the west
of Engla~d, is bordered upon the North by Barkshire, upon the
East with Surrey and Sussex, upon the South with the British
Seas, and Ile of Wight, & upon the West, with Dorset
and Wilt-shires.
(2) The length thereof from Blackwater in the North upon Surrey,
unto Bascomb in the South upon the Sea, extended in a right line,
is fifty foure English miles: and the breadth drawne from
Petersfield in the East, unto Tidworth in the west, and confined
of Wilts-shire, is little lesse than thirty miles, the whole
Circumference about, one hundred fifty and five.
(3) The aire is temperate, though somewhat thicke by reason of
the Seas, and many Rivers that thorow the Shire doe fall, whose
plenty of fish and fruitfull increase, do manifoldly redeeme the
harmes which they make.
(4) The Soile is rich for corne and cattle, pleasant for
pasturage, and plenteous for woods; in a word, in all commodities
either for Sea or Land, blessed and happy.
(5) Havens it hath, and those commodious both to let in, and to
loose out ships of great burthen in trade of Merchandise, or
other imploiments: whereof Portsmouth, Tichfield, Hamble and
Southampton are chiefe: beside many other creekes that
open their bosomes in those Seas, and the Coast strengthned
with many strong Castles, such as Hurst, Calshot,
South-hampton, S. Andrewes, Worth, Porchester, and the
South Castle, besides other Bulwarkes, or Block-houses
that secure the Country: And further in the Land, as
Malwood, Winchester, and Odiam, so strong, that in the time
of King John, thirteene English men onely defended the Fort
for fifteene daies against Lewis of France, that with a
great Host assaulted it most hotly.
(6) Anciently it was possessed upon the North by the Segontians,
who yeelded themselves to Julius Caesar, & whose chiefe Citie was
Vindonum, Caer Segonte, now Silcester; and upon the South by the
Belgae, and Regni, who were subdued by Plausius and Vespasian the
Romans, where Titus rescuing his father, straitly besieged by the
Britaines, as Dio and Forcatulus do report, was grasped about
with an adder, but no hurt to his person, and therefore taken for
a signe of good lucke. Their chief Towne was Rincewood, as yet
sounding the name: and more within Land inhabited the Manures,
as Beda calles them, whose Hundreds also to this day give a
relish of their names.
(7) Neere Ringwood, and the place once YTENE, from God and
people's service, to Beast and luxurie, thirty sixe Parish
Churches were converted and pulled downe by the Conquerour, and
thirty miles of circuite inforrestred for his game of Hunting,
wherein his Sons Richard and Rufus, with Henry the second sonne
to Duke Robert, his first, felt by hasty death the hand of
Justice and Revenge: for in the same Forrest, Richard by
blasting of a pestilent aire, Rufus by shot taken for a beast,
and Henry as Absolom hanged by a bough, came to their untimely
ends. At so deare a rate the pleasures of dogs, and harbour for
beasts were bought in the blood of these Princes.
(8) The generall commodities gotten in this Shire, are woolls,
Cloths and Iron, whereof great store is therein wrought from the
Mines, and thence transported into all parts of this Realme, and
their Clothes & Karsies, carried into many forrain Countries, to
that Countries great benefit, and Englands great praise.
(9) The Trade thereof, with other provisions for the whole, are
vented through eighteen Market Townes in this Shire, whereof
Winchester, the Britaines Caer Gwent, the Romans Venta Belgarum,
& the Saxons Windaneasder is chiefe, ancient enough by our
British Historians, as built by King Rudhudibras, nine hundred
yeeres before the Nativitie of Christ: and famous in the Romans
times for the weaving and embroideries therein wrought, to the
peculiar uses of their Emperours owne persons. In the Saxons
time, after two Calamities of consuming fire, her walles were
raised, & the Citie made the Roiall seate of their West Saxons
Kings, and the Metropolitan of their Bishops Sea, wherein Egbert
and Elfred their most famous Monarchs were Crowned: & Henry the
third, the Normans longest raigner, first tooke breath: And here
king Aethelstane erected sixe houses for his mint: but the
Danish desolation over-runnig all, this Citie felt their furie
in the daies of king Ethelbright, and in the Normans time, twice
was defaced by the misfortune of fire, which they againe repaired
and graced with the trust of keeping the publike records of
the Realme. In the Civill warres of Maud and Stephen, this
City was sore sacked, but againe receiving breath, was by
King Edward the third, appointed the place for Mart of wooll
and cloth. The Cathedrall Church built by Kenwolf king of
the West Saxons, that had beene Amphibalus, S. Peters,
Swythins, and now holy Trinity, is the Sanctuary for the
ashes of many English Kings: For herein great Egbert, Anno
836, with his sonne king Ethelwolfe, 857: here Elfred,
Oxfords founder, 901, with his Queene Elswith, 904: Here
the first Edmund before the Conquest, 924, with his sonnes
Elfred, and Elsward: Here Edred, 955, and Edwy, 956, both kings
of England: Here Emme, 1052, with her Danish Lord Canute, 1035,
and his sonne Hardicanute, 1042: And here lastly the Normans,
Richard and Rufus, 1100, were interred; their bones by Bishop Fox
were gathered and shrined in little guilt coffers fixed upon a
wall in the Quire, where still they remain
carefully preserved.
This Cities situation is fruitful and pleasant in a vally under
hilles, having her River on the East, and Castle on the west, the
Circuite of whose walles, are well neere two English miles,
containing one thousand eight hundred and eightie paces; thorow
which openeth sixe gates for entrance, and therein are seven
Churches for divine service, besides the Minster, and those
decaied; such as Callender, Ruell Chappell, S. Maries Abbey, &
the Friers, without in the Suburbes, and Sooke; in the East is
S. Peters, & in the North Hyde Church and Monasterie, whose
ruines remaining, show the beautie that formerly it bare. The
Graduation of this Citie by the Mathematicks, is placed for
Latitude in the degree 51 10 minutes, and for Longitude 19, 3
(10) More south, is South hampton, a Towne populous, rich and
beautifull, from whom the whole Shire deriveth her name, most
strongly walled about with square stone, containing in circuit,
one thousand and two hundred paces, having seven Gates for
entrance, and twenty nine Towres for defence, two very stately
Keies for Ships arrivage, & five faire Churches for Gods divine
service, beisdes an Hospitall called Gods house, wherein the
unfortunate Richard, Earle of Cambridge, beheaded for treason,
lyeth interred. On the west of this Towne is mounted a most
beautifull Castle, in forme Circular, and wall within wall, the
foundation upon a hill so topped, that it cannot be ascended but
by staires, carying a goodly prospect both by Land and Sea, & in
the East without the walles, a goodly Church sometimes stood,
called S. Maries, which was pulled down: for that it gave the
French direction of course, who with fire had greatly endangered
the Towne: in stead thereof is now newly erected a small and
unfinished Chappell. In this place, saith learned Campden, stood
the ancient Clausentium, or fort of the Romans, whose circuit on
that side extended it selfe into the Sea: this suffered many
depredations by the Saxon Pirates, and in Anno 980, was by the
Danes almost quite overthrowne. In king Edward the thirds time,
it was fired by the French, under the Conduct of the king of
Sicils sonne, whom a Country man incountred and strucke downe
with his Club, He crying Rancon, that is, Ransome: but he
neither understanding his language, nor the law that Armes doth
allow, laid on more soundly, saying: I know thee a Frankon,
and therefore shalt thou die: and in Richard the seconds
time it was somewhat removed, and built in the place where
now it standeth. In this Clausentium, Cannute to evict
his flatterers, made triall of his deitie, commanding the
seas to keepe backe from his feate: but being not obeyed,
he acknowledged God to be the onely supreame Governor, and in
a religious devotion gave up his Crowne to the rood
at Winchester. More ancient was Silcester built by
Constantius, great Constantines sonne, whose monument (they say)
was seene in that Citie and where another Constantine put on the
purple roabe against Honorius, as bot Ninnius and Gervase of
Canterburie doe witnes. Herein by our Historians record, the
warlike Arthur was crowned. Whose greatnesse for circuite
contained no lesse then fourescore acres of ground, and the
walles of great height, yet standing two miles in
compasse about.
This Citie by the Danish Rovers suffred much wracke, that her
mounted tops were never since seene, and her Hulk (the walles)
inmured to their middle in the earth, which the rubbish of her
owne desolations hath filled.
(11) Chiefe Religious houses within this Countie erected and
againe suppressed were these, Christs-Church, Beaulieu, Whorwell,
Rumsey, Redbridge, Winchester, Hyde, South-Hampton, and
Tichfield. The honour of this shire is dignified with the high
Title of Marques, and them Earles of Winchester
and South-Hampton; whose armes of families are as thou seest,
and her division into thirty seven Hundreds, and those
againe into two hundred fifty three Parishes, as in her
Table shall appeare.