
Saxton's Hampshire 1575


Saxton's map of Hampshire has no compass rose. The orientation of the map is given by labelled borders:-
SEPTENTRIO Latin Septentriones, referring to the seven stars that make up the constellation of The Bear, or Plough, that is a pointer for the Pole Star in the North.
ORIENS Latin Oriens, from the verb orior, to rise, reminding us where the sun rises.
MERIDIES Latin Meridiens, referring to where the sun is in the middle of the day [in the northern hemisphere north of the tropics].
OCCIDENS Latin Occidens, from the verb occido, to fall or set, reminding us where the sun sets.
Notes about compass roses etc.

Saxton's Hampshire 1575, contents
feature list
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:KD1996.1