Hills on Saxton's map of Hampshire are indicated by
hillocks. These are mostly grouped, though it is not easy
to interpret what they mean. Some hills are made steeper
or bigger than others; some hills are named.
The hill symbol could show any of the following:-
- important or isolated hills
- steep scarp
- uneven ground, hilliness
- high ground, ie altitude
- watersheds
- or they might possibly just be decoration, but we don't
believe that. The drawing of hills has to compete with
the placing other information on the limited map space. We
do not know what priority was given to hills.

The first category of hills is clearly represented. An
important or isolated hill might be the site of a fort,
beacon, castle, or town. The hill might be named, for
example Old Windsor hill.

A steep scarp might be shown as a line of hills; example
Portes downe. Some scarps are missed.

The line of hills drawn north of Winchester is not a scarp,
but is high rolling downland, and is a watershed.
The other categories of hills seem to have a lower priority,
and it is less clear what was intended. There seem to be more
hillocks drawn where ground is high, say above 100m. In
Hampshire high ground tends to be hilly ground. Low lying
hilly ground seems to lack hillock symbols; but the space on
the map is often taken up by trees in woods and forests.