Map features

Morden's playing card map, Hampshire 1676

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title; abbreviated, in a box at the top of the playing card.

compass rose; a plain circle, lines for the four cardinal directions.

scale line; below a pair of compasses, scale line of 10 miles.

coast shaded; with horizontal lines with are carried into harbours and river mouths. Portsea Island and Hayling Island are (too) clearly marked.

rivers; major rivers are shown by a solid wiggly line.

county; the county boundary is a dotted line. The contiguous counties are labelled, eg:-
Pt. of Wilt
etc. This labelling did not appear on the very first edition of the playing cards.

settlements; villages, towns, cities.
roads; are what makes this map exciting: this is the first road map of Hampshire.
statistics; a box at the bottom of the playing card has data about the county:
Length. ________________________ 66.
Bredth. ________________________ 30.
Circumference. ________________ 176.
Southamp~: { D. from Lon. _ 60.  78.
            { Latitude. ____ 50. 56.

Morden's playing card map, Hampshire, 1676
General index
Old Hampshire Mapped

Map HMCMS:FA1991.14